
A Seat at the Table with Chancellor Flores: 为学生家长创造更美好的未来: Tips from Advocate and Author, 尼科尔·林恩·刘易斯是圣安东尼奥学院的学生, 维多利亚里加拉多

十多年了, Nicole Lynn Lewis has advocated for the four million college students across the country who are parents. 当她女儿还是个婴儿的时候, Lewis enrolled in college and faced challenges navigating a system that she says was not designed with her experience in mind.

2010年,刘易斯成为 一代的希望, a nonprofit that surrounds motivated teen parents and their children with the mentors, 情感支持, and financial resources that they need to thrive as they pursue their education.

刘易斯是这本回忆录的作者, 《怀孕的女孩:一个少女母亲的故事, 大学, 以及为年轻家庭创造更美好的未来,” which The New York Times called required reading and NPR named a Best Book of 2021.

她获得了各种各样的奖项,包括被授予 CNN英雄,全国大奖得主 Roslyn年代. Jaffe奖, and has been featured on major news outlets including “Good Morning America,“CNN, NBC晚间新闻,和《华盛顿邮报》.

路易斯和圣安东尼奥学院的学生和母亲, 维多利亚里加拉多, 最近参加了与校长Dr. Mike Flores for a conversation on how to create a better future for students with children.

穿过澳门新葡京博彩区, approximately one out of every five of our student population are parents. The district supports student parents by providing resources and support services to students balancing a family and pursuing their educational and career goals.

On navigating college as a parent and how that has changed over the years

刘易斯: 在我攻读学位的四年里, I was really navigating a system that was not designed with my experience in mind at all. Thinking about the challenges of being a student and a parent at the same time, dealing with the disparities that exist across higher education for students of color, students with low income - on top of being a parenting student… I was feeling so much of that. I launched 一代的希望 in 2010 and we have been doing this work for 12 years now, advocating across the country for parenting college students and teen parents. I wish I could say it has changed so much since I graduated in 2003, but there are some things that have not changed and some things that have not changed. I think the biggest changes have been just how much more expensive it is to go to college now than it was 20 years ago. When I was in school and similarly the cost of child care has skyrocketed since I was a college student, the very real question is would I have been able to graduate today in the way that I was 20 years ago as a young mom?


刘易斯: 学生家长工作的关键是我们如何消除障碍? How do we really make sure that students are able to access the resources and supports that exist? Sometimes we will see that institutions create resources with all the best intentions, but they're hard to access and they're difficult to find out about. Wherever you sit within an institution you play a vital role in removing barriers creating resources and making sure that students with children can access those resources.


里加拉多: You do not have to let being a parent stop you from going to school. And when you do make that decision, take advantage of every opportunity and every resource.


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